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How Much Does A Mold Inspection Cost

The short answer?  The cost of a mold inspection generally ranges from $200 to $800.

There are a lot of factors that must be considered when estimating the cost of a mold inspection.

The final cost will depend on the size of the area to be inspected, how many samples are collected and tested, and the type of equipment and specialized tools needed to locate, sample, and test the mold.

Keep reading to learn more about each step of the mold inspection and mold remediation process as we break down these factors so you can more accurately estimate mold inspection cost based on your own scenario. 

 What To Expect From A Mold Inspection

Mold is a fungus that exists in the natural environment and enters your home through open windows and doors, or hitches a ride in on people and pets. Like pollen, mold spores are always present in the air, and at normal levels they pose no threat to most humans. The problems start when mold spores that enter the home and find conditions to their liking, settle in and start to grow.  This often occurs in some area of the home that is rarely or never seen by human eyes so the mold has often been present for quite awhile by the time residents of the home start to see or smell the early warning signs. 

Early Warning Signs Of Mold Growth

Mildew or Musty Odor

Mold often gives off an earthy, musty, dank smell

Water Damage

Water stains on the ceiling or walls of your home are red flags that water has breached your home’s water proofing barriers.


Visible condensation on windowpanes or pipes during periods of high outdoor humidity is a warning sign of excessive interior humidity usually caused by a faulty ventilation system

Visible Mold

Dark stains seeping through the paint on walls, a pastel chalky substance caked around pipes, or dark stained caulk are all visible evidence of mold growth

Health Complaints

Recurring upper respiratory problems that never seem to go away, or go away when you are out of the home and return again when you are back home

If any of these signs are present in your home there is good reason to suspect that mold is present. The next step is scheduling a mold inspection to locate the source and correct the problem.

What Is A Mold Inspector?

In most states, there are no legal restrictions on who can call themselves a mold inspector so due diligence is important. You can determine a well-qualified mold inspector by asking about certification. Credentialed Mold Inspectors will have met the knowledge and experience requirements to hold one or more of the following certificates.

  1. WRT = Water Restoration Technician
  2. AMRT = Applied Microbial Remediation Technician
  3. CIE = Council -Certified Interior Environmentalist

What Does A Mold inspector Do?

A credible mold inspector will determine if mold is present in the home by performing some combination of the following tasks.

  1. Conduct thorough visual examination seeking visual evidence of mold
  2. Identify the origin or contributing causes of mold growth (if found)
  3. Obtain air samples to determine the safety of air quality in home, and locate any hidden causes of mold
  4. Obtain surface samples from a variety of household surfaces including the interior of air ducts, attics, basements, and garages
  5. Obtain bulk samples of wall board, siding, carpet for further testing if needed to determine exact species of mold
  6. Process collected samples in the lab and perform microscopic analysis
  7. If needed, develop a mold remediation plan to remove existing mold and correct the underlying causes

What Does Mold Remediation Cost?

The cost of mold remediation can range in price from $600 to $6,000 or more

If the mold inspection discovers mold growth in your home, the mold inspector will generally provide a written report containing the detailed findings. This report should include a comprehensive plan for removal . The cost for mold remediation will, again, vary widely depending on the size of the area to be remediated, the extent of the safety measures required, and the amount of structural damage that must be repaired. You will also need to factor in the cost of repairs needed to correct any of the underlying causes of the mold growth 

There is no way around it, diagnosing and correcting a mold is labor intensive and expensive.  If your home is not displaying any of the early warning signs of mold, develop habits now that will prevent you from dealing with mold in the future. Repair any water leaks immediately, monitor indoor humidity, and towel dry walls after showers to help stave off mold growth indefinitely. After all, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” .

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